Saturday, April 18, 2009

Women as Sex Offenders

Online Information Pamphlet

Collected on: 4/18/09
Article can be found at:

This article demystifies and deglorifies female sex offenders. Our society seems to have a fantasy view of predatory women because it fails to see the harsh reality and the lasting effects of sexual assault by women against men. This is heavily related to sexuality because in contemporary times society views the man as always looking for sex so if he gets raped "it is his lucky day". Boys who are taken advantage of by their teachers are looked down upon if they complain that they didn't like it. They are expected to fantasize about being sexually assaulted and are viewed as sexual deviants if they don't comply. The root of this view of sexuality is also related to the article; masculinity and femininity. They are part of the reason for brushing off female sexual assaults as harmless. By this relation it also relates to "Your Life as a Girl" which talks about the limiting box society puts girls and women into that says they can only be and act a certain way and this box is the reason that many female sex crimes are dismissed as harmless. It also relates to Thelma and Louise because both shatter the idea of women as gentle, harmless, and incapable of violence. It also relates to power and intimacy by challenging traditional beliefs about female and male power and its role in intimate relationships. Because of this relationship to power and intimacy it relates to "Bloodlust" because Bloodlust is a paper which also discusses issues of power and intimacy.

This article's topic is the fact that there is in increase in female sex offenders and exponential one. That sad fact is a setback for both men and women. The article itself however is a step forward for men and women because it discredits harmful misconceptions about what a man and a woman can be and how they have to act.

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