Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Don't Hate Love


Watch Full Video at:

collected on: 3/11/09

The courage campaign is a group supporting same sex marriage and they have made a video called fidelity which is very powerful. The video is related to women's studies and politics because it is a political statement that same sex marriage is ok. Since the topic is same sex marriage it relates to sexuality because same sex marriage is a gay rights issue, and any gay rights issue is a sexuality issue. The video is not only related to politics, but it is an effective political tool. It made me, a former "homophobe" do a "180 degree turn" and join the cause for gay rights.

The video shows happily married same sex couples and their families and friends and takes away the stigma surrounding them. It shows that they are really just normal people who are truly in love and it stirs up feelings of perfect love and fairy tale "happily ever afters". The reason i say it does these things instead of saying it tries to is, I was a full fledged "gay-hater" before I saw this video. I hated it because it was "unnatural" and "against god" and "weird" and "fake" and "nasty". This video really showed me that I was dead wrong and that same sex couples are none of those things. Their love is easily as strong and beautiful as heterosexual couples, if not more so. The video is so powerful that I just want to keep watching it over and over and I am as I write this. It is very inspiring and has shown me what an "idiot" I used to be.

Hopefully it can show many others what it has shown me, because its goal was to give support against Proposition 8 which is a proposition to ban same sex marriage and nullify all same sex marriages that have been made. That is another way it relates to politics, its goal is to fight a political regulation. We have talked about gender roles which also relate because this video's message goes against traditional gender roles, and if the video's message is right than gender roles are quite wrong. It also broadly relates to topics like oppression and legal rights of women, same sex marriage would be a legal right of women and without same sex marriage gay couples are being oppressed. A related reading is "The Five Genders Revisited" because both it and the video relate to gay rights.

Proposition 8 reflects a definite setback for men and women, it is restricting their freedom and depriving all gay people no matter their gender of the right to get married and in turn their right to the American canon "the pursuit of happiness". This video is the opposite, it is a step ahead for men and women and gay or straight, because it is very effective at making "gay-haters" have that "wow-moment" when they realize that gay people are ok and all marriage, gay or straight is beautiful.

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